You’re Welcome, but also, Thank you!

Dear Members of Valley View UMC,

 Thank you all very much for your thanks. I know the polite thing, especially when people are complimenting you, is to just say "you're welcome" and leave it at that, but I am truly touched by your efforts to make sure I know that I am appreciated. 

 Coming to Valley View has been a big change for me in a number of different ways, but I will continue to describe it as a blessing for me to be here. From the very first night I moved in to now (and hopefully until the day I go), I will describe the people of Valley View UMC as some of the friendliest, kindest, and most compassionate people I have ever met. 

 Thank you for the gift certificate (I do love the Bluebonnet Café) and for all your kind words. Thank you for the many, many Facebook posts and comments. Thank you for making sure I have been welcomed here and for continuing to support me.

 I feel very much appreciated and loved. 

 Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Beate


Small Groups…


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