Small Groups…

As we head into the New Year, it is time to consider where and how a small group fits into your faith journey, spiritual life, and schedule. Meeting with others to discuss scripture, pray, and learn together is an important part of being in community with each other. 

But, I'm a bit pragmatic. I know what it's like to have one of those schedules. Or rather, I remember how isolating my second semester senior year of undergrad was with 21 credit hours, two part time jobs, housing staff, and being participatory in at least two organizations on campus. I survived that semester, but I was empty. And then as an adult I have had periods where I worked full time and went to graduate school. Or worked two jobs. Now, your situation may not be like any of the ones I've had, but I know how little motivation I had to spend time doing one more thing in a week.

So... where this leaves us... small groups matter. Gathering two or more in God's name is scripturally based. Learning together broadens and deepens our understanding of scripture. Having people who pray for you regularly and whom you can call upon in weary moments helps sustain your spirit and keep your heart focused on God. The time cost is far outweighed by the joy, hope, peace, and love found in a group who does life together. 

In 2023 I hope you'll find two or more friends who will dedicate up to two hours of their month to being in a small group together. Groups will set their own schedules. (Need to meet on the third Saturday at 3 AM? You can!) All study materials will be provided this first year as we delve deep into our Wesleyan roots. 

You'll hear more about this in the weeks ahead, but I encourage you to prayerfully consider if this is the next right step in your faith journey. And who you want in your small group. 


What is a King?


You’re Welcome, but also, Thank you!