What’s in a Name?

Have you ever considered what your name means? There's an old joke in response to "I like your name"... "Thanks, I got it for my birthday!".  If you haven't, I'd encourage you to look up your name. What were the hopes your parents had for you and your future? What hopes do you have for you and your future?


At Christmas we hear many of the names for Jesus. Messiah. Emmanuel. Jesus, the Christ. These are fraught with meaning and fulfill the hopes of the people who walk in darkness seeking a great light. Do you know some of the other names for God (as first person of the Trinity)? Or the other names and titles for Jesus? What about for the Holy Spirit? 

 Some popular names for God come from the Hebrew.

El Shaddai: God Almighty

El Elyon: The Most High God

Adonai: Lord or Master

Jehovah: God

Yahweh: Lord

Elohim: Creator

 One of the most important ones for Christ this time of year is Emmanuel- God with us. It honors Christ's incarnation when God walked among us, fully human and fully divine. As you celebrate Christmas, which names for God comes to mind for you first? Which name fills your spirit? Which name most touches your heart? 


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