Life Lessons

Several years ago the director of the Wesley Foundation at the University of Tulsa retired. And as a part of his big goodbye, I jotted down and shared the 5 Life Lessons I learned from Charlie. While this is mostly wisdom for me, I hope it will encourage you to think about those from who you learned about life and what wisdom you have to share especially during this season of gathering together and celebrating the joy of life.

 The Five Life Lessons I Learned From Rev. Charles Spears:

1. Every individual is worth your time:
Charlie always takes the time to speak to everyone. Even if they are in a hurry and headed to class or a meeting, Charlie takes a moment to stay hello or ask how they are. It does not matter who they are or if he just met them 10 seconds ago, they are worth being kind and friendly to. 

2. There is never a bad time to pray:
Modern Christians have a bad habit of saying "I'll pray for you" or "I'll add that to my prayer list", but not Charlie. If you told Charlie something good was going on in your life, he'd thank God right then and there. And if it is bad news or uncertain news? He's going to pray with you right then. Charlie taught me that now is the time to pray.

 3. Sometimes God's plan is there is no plan:

I am someone who plans. I have ideas, checklists, and deadlines. Charlie taught me that when things don't go according to plan, particularly at an event that you've spent weeks planning, maybe that is the plan. God knows what needs to happen. 

 4. God loves YOU:

Charlie's stories about his youth prove this point, that God loves us just as we are. It doesn't matter if you're black or white, young or old, male or female, long-haired or crew-cutted... God loves you just as you are. You can rock out, play jazz, or be anyone and God has a plan for you.

 5. God has a sense of humor:

The Wesley is a place of love, learning, and... laughter. There is a time and place to be serious, but sometimes funny things happen. Charlie's leadership made that possible. Some people think of church as a very grave place, but I don't think of the it that way. Part of it is that I grew up in the church, but Charlie's ability to make everything more interesting and more fun makes it quite clear that God likes us to smile. 


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