We’re on a Mission from God

Although this famous quote is best known as a line from the Blues Brothers, it also applies to much of our daily Christian life. We are on a mission from God. But, what is that mission? And where does it take us?

 As I prepare for my vacation this week, I have heard a few people ask why I'm headed to Detroit. Am I going on some sort of mission trip? Well, not this time. I have, on previous vacations, volunteered with other church's VBS programs and been on several mission trips (ask me about sanitizing dirt), but not this time. Spending time with friends is a vital part of being human. Christ traveled with his disciples. Even after Christ's death, the disciples often traveled together. Friends hold us accountable, provide support, and want what is best for us. Many find their friends within the church. Some find their friends anywhere but church. 

 So, as I go off to spend time with friends and attend this video game tournament, I leave you with a big question to ponder. Who are your friends? How are they supporting you in your faith journey? How are you supporting them? You see, it's not "I" am on a mission from God... it's we. Us. Together. We do not journey alone as God is always with us, but God also includes people in our lives who also share in the journey. People who will pray with us and for us. People we can lean on. People we can trust.

 May God bless your friendships so that they may always be a blessing. May you always be a friend people can count on in times of trouble and the first they call in times of joy. Amen.


God Save…

